Common Types of Senior Care: Home Care

Personal Care
Personal care is among the most pivotal duties when caring for seniors to help them remain healthy and happy, feel loved and at home. Personal care refers to caregivers providing assistance with services to support seniors when performing activities of daily living.
Personal Care Services
Personal care includes assistance with routine actions such as personal hygiene (bathing/showering, washing your hair, shaving, nail care, skincare) oral hygiene (brushing your teeth, flossing, and mouthwash), and toileting (incontinence/continence care).
Home Care 4 Seniors Personal Care Services include:
Help with bathing or showering
Assist with grooming, nail care, and oral care
Assist with dressing
Help with eating (meal planning, meal preparation, or feeding assistance)
Medication reminders (medication management)
Incontinence care
Transferring/Mobility (assist with walking, getting in and out of bed, and transferring from a wheelchair to a chair or bed)
Provide transportation services (driving your loved one to places)
Errand services (picking up or dropping off things)
Homemaking services (taking care of the small chores around the house)
Our caregivers at Home Care 4 Seniors are trained and instructed to provide the necessary personal care duties for your loved one. You can count on our in-home caregivers to provide personal care for the elderly in the most personal and individual way. We are here to provide support without disrupting your regular routine. Our care is tailored to meet your needs and desires.
Deciding if Personal Care is Right For You
If personal tasks are becoming difficult and your loved one needs assistance, it might be time to consider personal care.
At Home Care 4 Seniors' personal and compassionate care is included in the hourly rate. This rate stays the same on weekends, nights, and holidays. We want to make sure your loved one gets the care he/she needs.
To learn more about rates call us at 214-621-1969 or complete our form to get a quote. Our admissions coordinator will contact you asap.
Around the Clock Care
Around-the-clock care or 24-hour care offers an option for families to keep their loved ones at home with someone to supervise all day and night. This level of care can be a difficult decision to make. Family members may not want to accept their loved one’s limitations have increased and require this level of care.
Caregivers can help to reduce your loved ones feeling of agitation or disorientation to time and place. This is common in seniors who have Alzheimer's or dementia. A caregiver help to calm down and use engaging activities to improve quality of life.
Home Care 4 Seniors caregivers are available to help you around the clock. We offer flexible time options for a couple of hours a day, 4 to 8 hours, and even 12 to 24 hours a day.
Approximately 65% of in-home health care originates from a crisis. Nothing is more important than having the help you need when you need it.
Around the Clock Care Services
Home Care 4 Seniors 24-Hour Care Services include:
Assistance with Activities of Daily of Living
Incontinence Care
Personal Care
Compassionate Care
Medication Management
Feeding Assistance
Running Errands
Deciding if 24-Hour Care is Right For You
There are several reasons your loved one may need 24-hour care at home. Some signs to look for when deciding if you need 24-hour care or should increase to this level of care include your loved one being at high risk of falling, confusion, needing feeding assistance, wandering or getting lost, and new or increase in bathroom accidents. Being afraid of leaving that individual unattended can be another sign to consider 24-hour care or start to increase the hours of care at home. Our staff will help you evaluate the level of care that will best fit your needs.
Memory Care (Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care)
Memory care is specialized care for seniors. Also called, Alzheimer's care provides care to seniors who have Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. Memory care facilities offer a unique care plan tailored to create a safe environment and improve quality of life. Memory care plans focus on; reducing confusion, preventing wandering, providing comfort, and peace.
Memory care facilities differ from other types of senior care by offering 24-hour care, specialized caregivers, therapies, and more. Dementia is progressive meaning symptoms worsen over time. This can make it difficult for seniors to live independently or for a family member to take on the caregiver role.
In the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's, seniors may be able to live on their own or seek in-home support. A family member can take on the caregiver role or hire an in-home caregiver for short periods throughout the day or 24/7.
In the advanced stages of dementia, 24-hour supervision can become imperative, especially if they are at risk of wandering or falling. Also, in later stages, seniors can have a difficult time performing tasks, activities of daily living. There may come a point, where a difficult decision has to be made for placement in a memory care facility if a loved requires more care and support.
Memory Care Services:
Home Care 4 Seniors Memory Care Services include:
Dressing assistance
Bathing/Showering assistance
Nail Care
Oral Care
Continence Care
Grooming assistance (combing hair, shaving, and general hair care)
Assisting with nutritional eating habits, meal planning, meal preparation, and feeding assistance)
Enhancing home safety to prevent wandering or driving away
Taking medications appropriately
Providing much-needed breaks for family members
Home Care 4 Seniors caretakers are consistent and understand that seniors who have Alzheimer's or dementia require specialized care that is unique to them. Our goal is to minimize stress, maintain a level of comfort and consistency, create a predictable routine that makes everyone happy, and have fun in a safe and secure environment.
Home Care 4 Seniors strives to make our clients' lives with Alzheimer's and dementia as close to their regular daily routines as possible. To make this goal a reality, our caregivers spend time learning about our client's hygiene schedule, favorite foods, favorite TV shows, and hobbies. Learning about our clients means we can help them recall the things they like to do around the house and how they are used to doing those activities.
Deciding if Memory Care is Right For You
If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia, it might be time to talk about memory care. Making the transition before symptoms get worse can reduce the risk of injury and allow your loved one to adjust to a different living environment. A family member taking on the caregiver role at home can be a lot. It can lead to stress, caregiver burnout, and put a strain on the relationship. Memory care communities can give your loved ones the care and environment they need.
Incontinence Care
Incontinence care is when an individual has a difficult time controlling their bladder or bowel functions. As you age the muscles and nerves that assist with bladder control weaken. Incontinence care is not uncommon to see in seniors or something to be embarrassed about.
There are five different types of incontinence seniors may experience.
Types of Incontinence Care Include:
Stress Incontinence
Urge Incontinence
Mixed Incontinence
Overflow Incontinence
Functional Incontinence
Stress incontinence occurs when pressure is put on your bladder from sneezing, coughing, laughing, exercising, or lifting heavy objects causing your bladder to leak.
Urge incontinence, also referred to as overactive bladder is the sudden feeling of having to go to the bathroom. Sometimes urge incontinence can be triggered by touching water, or from just hearing the sound of running water.
Mixed incontinence is the combination of stress incontinence and urge incontinence.
Overflow incontinence occurs when you can't empty your bladder completely and there is leakage because your bladder is too full.
Functional incontinence is from a medical condition that keeps you from going to the bathroom when you need to go. A medical condition like arthritis would be an example.
Deciding if Incontinence Care is Right For You
If your loved one is having a difficult time controlling their bladder or bowel movements you may consider incontinence care. Our caregivers are trained to remind your loved one to go to the bathroom on a regular basis, provide assistance with the commode, and provide catheter care. We can help with managing bowel or bladder problems
Post Surgery Care
Postoperative care is when you receive care right after a surgical procedure. Often after a major or even minor surgery, individuals need additional recovery time that hospitals or rehab facilities cannot provide. After surgery care at home can be difficult to manage on your own. There is a higher risk of falling, mismanaging medication, and managing your pain level can become difficult. The type of postoperative care you receive depends on the type of surgery you had and sometimes your health history.
Post-Surgical Care Services
Medication Management
Meal Preparation & Planning
Running Errands
We conduct a comprehensive and customized evaluation. This step is key to understanding the health care matters your family member will be facing during recovery time. Our caregivers are accessible when you need them and are able to help you follow your discharge procedures to get you back to normal. Meal preparation, transportation, errands, and medication reminders are some of the things our caretakers are able to assist you with during post-operative care at home.
Deciding if Post-Surgical Care is Right For You
If you are having surgery or scheduled to be released from a recent surgical procedure consider postoperative care. Home Care 4 Seniors caregivers are here to get the patient back to their usual eating, sleeping, household activities, supporting therapy sessions, and overall care.
Hospice Assistance
Hospice care sometimes referred to as end-of-life care, can be provided at home, at a nursing home, or an assisted living facility. Hospice is a special kind of care focusing on the quality of life for seniors. This type of care provides compassionate care to seniors with any kind of incurable disease so that they can live as comfortably as they can during the last phases of the disease.
Hospice care offers a safe and secure place for seniors where caregivers can provide personal and compassionate care in addition to pain management and controlling symptoms. Senior's quality of life is the primary focus for caregivers. If your loved one has been diagnosed with a chronic illness, hospice may be something to consider. It is common for seniors to be placed on hospice when a person has less than six months to live. There is no time frame or the right time but hospice care is more beneficial in the earlier stages rather than waiting till the last minute.
Family members should be aware that hospice care is not a treatment solution for seniors but to provide comfort. Once a loved one is placed on hospice, they are no longer eligible to receive any medical treatments or cures to help them recover from their illness or condition.
Hospice care from a family perspective can be viewed as not only an option for seniors but families as well. Caregivers are trained to help family members cope with the emotional aspects when caring for a loved one with a terminally ill disease. The grieving process can be rough for families, caregivers can be seen as an outside support system.
Hospice care can vary slightly depending on if you choose in-home care or assisted living like a residential care home. When it comes time to decide to place your loved one on hospice and find the right place, ask lots of questions. Ask questions not only about the level of care, type of care, and services but about the company and caregivers. For ideas on questions to ask check out this link.
Hospice Care Services
At Home Care 4 Seniors, hospice care is more than just providing a service or supervision. Our caregivers are trained to improve the quality of life.
Home Care 4 Seniors Hospice Care includes:
Personal Care
Compassionate Care
Medication Management
Incontinence Care
24/7 Supervision
Feeding Assistance (Meal Prep & Planning)
We have caregivers, doctors, nurses, and home health aids ready to work together to meet your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Our compassionate caregivers can monitor and manage your pain level and symptoms to keep you as comfortable as possible.
Deciding if Hospice Care is Right For You
It’s never easy placing a loved one on hospice care and no one wants to place a loved one on hospice care too early either. Some signs to look for when deciding if it is the right time include multiple trips to the ER or hospital, reoccurring infections, reduced appetite, weight loss, a decline in overall health, uncontrolled pain, nausea, vomiting, or shortness of breath.
Home Care 4 Seniors caregivers are focused on meeting the needs of your loved ones and ensuring they are comfortable and able to pass with dignity.
Compassion Care
Your not just hiring a caregiver, you're also hiring a companion. Depending on the care level of your loved one, it can be a lot to handle for a family member to take on the caregiver role. In-home care can help relieve you of the caregiver role, and offer comfort knowing your loved one is in good hands and has company for a few hours, during working hours, or all day and night.
In 2020 it was recorded roughly 27% (14.7 million) of all older adults lived alone in the US. Many seniors who live alone or are alone for short or long periods can begin to feel lonely. Loneliness can lead to seniors feeling depressed or even isolated. This can result in poor physical and mental health in seniors. That’s quite the domino effect.
Compassion Care Services:
Our goal is for our caregivers to build a lasting relationship with our residents and be considered a friend or family.
Home Care 4 Seniors Compassion Care Services include:
24-hour care
Medication Management
Feeding Assistance
Activities of Daily Living
Memory Care
You can trust the quality of our staff. To qualify and hire our caregivers, we use a 5-part screening and interview process. This ensures they not only have the healthcare knowledge to care for your senior but also confirm that they have a calling to care for an individual who may be suffering.
Our clients create lasting bonds with their caregivers, and we see those bonds last through weeks, months, and years of companionship. Home Care 4 Seniors employs caregivers you can trust to help your loved one live in the comfort of their home happily, safely, and supported through quality compassionate care.
Deciding if Compassion Care is Right For You
Seniors who spend large portions of the day alone or require more care may consider placement in a care home offering compassionate care.